Main-Memory Centric Storage Engine for Energy-Efficient Servers of the Future

by prof. Wolfgang Lehner, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

January 24th 2013 @ 15:00, in Serraia

In this invited talk prof. Wolfgang Lehner will present his work about

Main-Memory Centric Storage Engine for Energy-Efficient Servers of the Future


The talk presents core concepts of a newly established research cluster program set up at Dresden University of Technology addressing the design of future servers from a holistic perspective. Novel techniques on the hardware side (adaptive optical and high-speed short range wireless interconnects) and novel methods on the software side ranging from the design over the deployment to runtime adaptions build the core of the research project. Therefore the talk outlines the challenges and opportunities provided by future hardware developments in a first step. In a second step, the talk focusses on the design of a main-memory centric storage engine optimized to provide excellent performance for read and write requests, which aims at mixed OLTP and OLAP scenarios such as operational BI and realtime analytics. The talk gives an overview of different latch-free in-memory indexes that scale with the increasing number of hardware threads in modern CPUs. Based on those indexes, the talk introduces the idea of a novel query processing model that utilizes virtual memory functionality to allow destructive database operators working directly on index structures without affecting the original data.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lehner (1969) is full professor and head of the database technology group at the Dresden University of Technology (Technische Universität Dresden), Germany.

He received his Master's degree in Computer Science in 1995 from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He continued his studies as research assistant at the database system group until 1998, when he earned his Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) with a dissertation on the optimization of aggregate processing in multidimensional database systems. Thereafter (11/1998) he joined the Business Intelligence (BI) group at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose (CA), where he was involved in projects on adding materialized view support and multiple query optimization techniques to the core engine of the IBM DB2/UDB database system. After his return to Germany, he again joined the database system group at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg as senior researcher. Together with his group, he initiated comprehensive research in exploiting database technology to support complex message-based notification systems. From 10/2000 to 2/2002, Wolfgang Lehner was on a temporary assignment at the University of Halle-Wittenberg holding the professorship for database systems. In 7/2001 finally, he finished his habilitation with a thesis on subscription systems and was therefore awarded with the venia legendi. Since 10/2002, Prof. Lehner is conducting his research, teaching his students, and is involved in multiple industrial projects at the TU Dresden. Since then, Wolfgang Lehner was temporarily visiting scientist at Microsoft Research in Redmond (WA), at GfK Nuremberg, at SAP Walldorf, and at UBS Zurich.