DbTrento meetings:
We are typically getting together every week to discuss ongoing work, hot topics in our research areas, present papers in recent or upcoming conferences and journals, perform dry-runs of our conference presentations and theses. We also have talks from our many high profile visitors.
Data Normalization
Matteo Lissandrini, University of Verona, Italy
in Room A211 - Povo 1[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Optimising Across Relational and Linear Algebra in Parallel Analytics Pipelines
Asterios Katsifodimos, TU Delft Netherlands
in Room B104 - Povo 2[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Introduction to concepts of Information Visualization research, and ties to data management
Anastasia Bezerianou, Universite Paris-Sud, Paris (France)
in Room B105 - Povo 2[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Constraint Programming in Data Mining
George Katsirelos, INRA, Toulouse (France)
in Room B105 - Povo 2[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Efficient Resource Management
Christos Kozyrakis, EPFL & Stanford University
in Room Levico - Povo 2[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Smart Hot-Desking and its Surprising Potential for Social Impact
Theo Tryfonas, University of Bristol
in Room Levico - Povo 2[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Data Series Management: The Road to Big Sequence Analytics
Themis Palpanas, Paris Descartes University (France)
in Room Molveno - Povo 1[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Subspace Search for Community Detection and Community Outlier Mining in Attributed Graphs
Emmanuel Müller, Head of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Group, Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Germany
in Room Garda (1st Floor) - Via Sommarive, 9[talk abstract and speaker bio]
From Smart Cities to Smart Communities: The Case of Children's Independent Mobility
Paolo Traverso, Director, Center for IT, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
in Room Garda (1st Floor) - Via Sommarive, 9[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Big Data Profiling
Felix Naumann, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, University of Potsdam
in Room Garda[talk abstract and speaker bio]
What can we learn from Citation Lists?
Manolis Wallace, University of Peloponnese
in Room Toblino[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Native Support for Processing Interval Timestamped Data in RDBMSs
Johann Gamper, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
in Room Ofek[talk abstract and speaker bio]
ALEXANDRIA – Temporal Retrieval, Exploration and Analytics in Web archives – Asking Humans for Help
prof. Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center
in Room Levico[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Mapping and Cleaning
Prof. Gianni Mecca, University of Basilicata
in Room Levico[talk abstract and speaker bio]
The efficient computation of stability of Formal concepts
prof. Sadok BEN YAHIA, University of Tunis El Manar
in Room Garda[talk abstract and speaker bio]
A Hitchhiker’s guide to ontology
prof. Fabian Suchanek, Telecom ParisTech University
in Levico[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Efficient Query Processing in Probabilistic-Temporal Databases
prof. Martin Theobald, University of Antwerp
in Levico[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Biomedical Text Mining
prof. Ulf Leser, Berlin Humboldt-Universität
in Room 101 (FBK)[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Schema Matching Prediction
prof. Avigdor Gal, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
in Garda[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Adapting Tree Structures for Processing with SIMD Instructions
prof. Christoph Freytag, Berlin Humboldt-Universität
in Levico[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Querying Distributed Data Streams
Minos Garofalakis, Technical University of Crete
in A108[talk abstract and speaker bio]
prof. Ulf Leser, Berlin Humboldt-Universität
in Levico[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Reducing Uncertainty in Top-K Queries
Davide Martinenghi, Milan Politecnico
in Garda[talk abstract and speaker bio]
'All Roads Lead to Rome:' Optimistic Recovery for Distributed Iterative Data Processing
Sebastian Schelter, Technische Universität Berlin
in Serraia[talk abstract and speaker bio]
When to say NO to protect Privacy when answering Queries
prof. Christoph Freytag, Berlin Humboldt-Universität
in Serraia[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Learning In Query Optimization
prof. Volker Mark, Technische Universität Berlin
in Serraia[talk abstract and speaker bio]
XR: a Standard-Compliant Framework for Fact-Checking the Web
Ioana Manolescu, Inria Saclay
in Ofek[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Web Science, Web Analytics and Web Archives - Humans in the Loop
prof. Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover
in Garda[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Knowledge Management in Bioinformatics at HU Berlin
prof. Ulf Leser, Technical Universität Berlin
in Serraia[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Robustness and Concurrency Control in Adaptive Indexing for Main-Memory Column-Stores
Stratos Idreos, CWI (Dutch National Research Center for Mathematics and Computer Science)
in A212[talk abstract and speaker bio]
Main-Memory Centric Storage Engine for Energy-Efficient Servers of the Future
prof. Wolfgang Lehner, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
in Serraia[talk abstract and speaker bio]