The efficient computation of stability of Formal concepts

by prof. Sadok BEN YAHIA, University of Tunis El Manar

April 1st 2015 @ 11:30, in Room Garda

In this DbTrento meeting prof. Sadok BEN YAHIA will present his work on

The efficient computation of stability of Formal concepts


Concept lattices are very useful for the task of knowledge discovery in databases. However, in the era of BigData, the overwhelming number of drawn formal concepts was always an actual hamper towards their effective use. In the aim of filtering out, such endless lists of formal concepts, the stability metric is the most worth of mention one. In this respect, the stability computation of large concepts has been shown to be infeasible due to exponential number of object sets to be processed.

In this talk, we present the DFSP algorithm, for computing the stability of a set of formal concepts without having at hand the underlying partial relation. The main thrust of the introduced algorithm stands in the smart detection of non generators and their pruning owe to their fulfilment of monotony property within a given equivalence class. Such efficiency, allowed DFSP to sweep search spaces greater than 215000.

To conclude, connections to Community detection in Monoplex/Multiplex social networks as well as minimal transveral detection are skectched.


Sadok BEN YAHIA, full Professor of Computer Sicence at the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Tunis El Manar, has successfully built up a research group carrying out research projects funded by various sources including national and French-Tunisian based projects.

The group currently consists of three Assistant professors and and fifteen PhD Students. Since its establishment end of 2007, the group has produced more than 120 peer-reviewed publications. Members of the group have won 3 best paper awards in 2012. The proposer is currently supervising twelve PhD Students and 12 PhD thesis were defended under his supervision and was or is reviewer or member of the examination committee for 13 successful PhDs at different universities including the Universities of Olomouc (czech Republic), CNAM (France), Sfax and Different universities of Tunisia. In the course of his scientific career Sadok BEN YAHIA has created more than 120 peer-reviewed publications, including 6 editions of international journals special issues, 22 International Journal publications and more than 60 papers at international peer-reviewed conferences. His publications on topics connected to Data mining and knowledge engineering received a wide recognition in the research community leading to an h-index of 14. In addition Sadok BEN YAHIA is an accepted and recognized member of the international research community of Data Mining. He has co-organized 2 international conferences (CLA2006, and EGC'2010) and various workshops and is regular member in the Programme committee of the most important conference on the area of Data Mining (ICDM, CIKM, FUZZ-IEEE, EGC) and related areas. He acted as the co-track chair of Computational intelligence at the CIIA'2015

Contact Info: Matteo Lissandrini (